District 4: Blue Ridge
Blueprint for Progress AFG
Zoom meeting: Meeting ID: 842 821 409 Passcode: 799178 link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/842821409?pwd=S3R1TEhFeEZzM1lNd211ZllPV2Z3QT09 Call in 301 715 8592
Winchester, VA 22601
United States
Love And Service AFG
Meet in Donegal House with yellow exterior. Parking available on the street and/or municipal parking lot on Cork Street.
First Presbyterian Church
136 S Loudoun Street
Winchester, VA 22601
United States
Figtree AFG
Hybrid meeting. Zoom;
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83635651238?pwd=STNNSk12M1hvU2dBOTBDcFRJQloyU…; ID 836 3565 1238 Pwd 956099. Phone dial in number: 1(301)715-8592
John Baden Community Center
11 N Washington St
Winchester, VA 22601
United States
Better Fridays AFG
Zoom, https:///zoom.us/join, meeting ID# 816 2324 9183, password 975079
Winchester, VA 22601
United States
Valley Powerless Parents AFG
One story brick building in center of block, use side door from parking lot.
John Baden Community Center
11 N Washington St
Winchester, VA 22601
United States
Alateen In Front Royal
Use Church doors not basement door Room 202
Marlow Heights Baptist Church
517 Braxton Road
Front Royal, VA 22630
United States
Waltz Step AFG
Hybrid meeting. One story brick building in center of block, use side door from parking lot OR on Zoom: Meeting ID: 797 045 569 Password: 876032 https://us02web.zoom.us/j/797045569?pwd=Ujg3RVVJVlRqbDZGYUw3NGFpcnkvZz09
John Baden Community Center
11 N Washington St
Winchester, VA 22601
United States
Downtown AFG
Enter at the back of the building.
23 West Main Street
Luray, VA 22835
United States
Halftime AFG
In Weber meeting hall with red door across from Calvary Episcopal Church on second floor—not handicap accessible
Calvary Episcopal Church
11 West 2nd St
Front Royal, VA 22630
United States
Believe In Tomorrow AFG
Zoom https://us05web.zoom..us/j/88928164813?pwd=Um90dXIWOHhRdkRTMXkyNkkwLzdx… Meeting ID: 889 2816 4813 Passcode: weei2m
New Market, VA 22844
United States